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V de vendetta online latino

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I'm a God-fearing Englishman and I'm goddamn proud of it!' The governments' control of the media is the best tactic to control the masses and keep order within society.ĭefined by Immanuel Kant, 'Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity.' In the film is Evey is enlightened, she transitions from voluntary servitude to the state to an awakened outlook of without fear of the state. Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists.


A great example of this is at the beginning of the movie where Lewis Prothero using his position of power to present bigoted beliefs and values backed by the totalitarian government that encourages the messages he sends. With BTN being the only news broadcast available it allows for the easy spread of information that the government wants you to hear. In the movie, the government's belligerent behavior towards the proletariat aims to stifle the emergence of any kind of resurgence towards the state. Fear got the best of you.' Ultimately devising a plan that on the 5th of November the masses will gather around parliament using it as a symbol for a revolution of change, fueled by the power of the people. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission…War. He is able to identify the malpractice and wrongdoing of the government acting as a symbol of rebellion 'Cruelty and injustice.intolerance and oppression. V's excellent use of critical theory is eloquently displayed in his revolutionary speech. As put best by V, 'You wear a mask for so long you forget who you were beneath it' the people are so accustomed to societal norms, ideologies and ethics implanted by society that you no longer have your own voice for action, instead clouded by the ideologies imposed upon by the bourgeois. After being oppressed for so long you can see in the characters face, a need for change against a totalitarian government. Through the use of Marcuse's Critical Theory the masses were able to diagnose the injustice presented through V's speech as he exposed the indoctrination employed by the governments.


This perfectly conveyed by the TV broadcast following the V's revolutionary speech by portraying V as the villain and providing a false narrative in order to act as a detriment to V's persona and turn the masses against him, 'A psychotic terrorist identified only by the letter V attacked the control booth…In order to broadcast a message of hate.' However, the population remains unphased by the broadcast calling out the fallacies annotated by the presenter. The media build false images, generates fear and promises happiness. The use of the media in the film is an elemental part of how the government controls the population. Every day we are brainwashed from a sensory overload of information, fueled with lies, propaganda and societal norms to abide by. In order to prevent controversy from arising, the bourgeois employ these strategies for the creation of captive audiences. The tactics of indoctrination used by the bourgeois in the film 'V for Vendetta' were through the control of the media by presenting violence and stupidity through the use of propaganda to uphold the truth for effortless control of the masses.

V de vendetta online latino